Dr. LaVern McCants is a powerful force in both the field of education and as an author. In preparation for her leadership in the field of education, she earned two master’s in education. One of her master's is in education, and the other master's is in educational leadership. Dr. McCants also holds a doctorate degree in the field of education.
McCants graduated in the top percent of her doctoral program, gaining the distinction of highest honors and earning a high level of academic achievement by earning a perfect record of all A grades throughout her doctoral studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. McCants earned her doctorate in Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership.
While a student at UIUC, McCants was also nominated by the College of Education to serve on the Office of the Provost advisory board. The Provost Office is one of the highest offices at both large and small universities.
McCants also has decades of varied and rewarding experience in the field of education. While an educator, she received nominations for both Who's Who Among America's Teachers and The Golden Apple Award. Dr. McCants is a member of two honor societies. She is a member of the invitation-only Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, the nation's most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. She is also a member of the Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society. Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society is a prestigious honor society that chooses outstanding pre-service and practicing educators to partake in their honor society. Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society seeks to elevate the profession of education by selecting high-achievers that elect education as a career.
In addition to her full-time role as an author, McCants is currently a School Improvement Consultant and education expert. While serving in traditional education settings, she worked on the preschool, elementary, junior high, and high school levels in various capacities.
As her roles as an education expert, parent rights, and School Improvement Consultant, Dr. McCants took a strong national and global stance in 2020 with Parents Right to Choose release, whereas she pleaded with parents across the globe not to allow their school-age children to attend in-person learning. She took a fervent stance to promote remote learning. Her message reached parents throughout the United States as well as in some international countries. She stressed how science had proven many high-risk factors for students, their families, and educators. She provided useful data in an effort for parents to recognize the risk factors of in-person learning.
As an author, Dr. McCants has written influential books from various genres, including the powerful rule-changer books for women and girls, titled, Single Lady Wise Talk: The Rule-Changer and Wise Girl Talk. Her passion for writing has also led her to write influential books for teenagers, children, parents, and educators including, but not limited to What Every Teenager Needs to Know: Choices That Lead to a Promising Future, Parents Right to Know: Proven Methods on How to Influence Youth to Make Wise and Responsible Decisions That Lead to Promising Futures, Every Girl Deserves to Live Her Dreams, From Boy to Manhood: Every Boy Has an Opportunity to Become a Great Man, Bullying Stops Here, The Secrets of High-Performing Classrooms, The Secrets of High-Performing Schools and The Essentials to Increase Parental Involvement in Any K-12 School: Knowledge That Every Educator Must Know.
Her influences have led her to features in local, national, and international newspapers and magazines. Dr. McCants is a U.S. citizen, but her voice as an author is currently sweeping the United States and international countries worldwide.
Books written by Dr. McCants can be purchased at www.singleladywisetalk.com, www.lavernmccants.com, www.wisegirltalk.com, www.lavernmccantsbooks.com, on Amazon, from Barnes & Noble and also from booksellers worldwide. Both pre-orders and McCants' books currently on the market can also be purchased through the Publisher via phone at 212-NYC-0000.
Follow Dr. McCants on Facebook at Facebook.com/lavernmccants, on Twitter at Twitter.com/lavernmccants, on Instagram at Instagram.com/lavernmccantsofficial. Visit www.lavernmccants.com, www.singleladywisetalk.com, wisegirltalk.com, and www.lavernmccantsbooks.com for updates on when Dr. McCants is coming to your city.
Dr. McCants will be featured in a100-City Empowerment Tour sponsored by New York Worldwide Publishers® starting in late 2021. Meet her in your city. Also, purchase her new releases now and place pre-orders for upcoming releases at www.lavernmccants.com or via phone at 212-NYC-0000, on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and at other booksellers worldwide.